Schoolchildren learn in different ways, and sometimes, their success in the classroom may hinge on something as simple as their comfort in the actual learning space. As teachers look for innovative ways to give schoolchildren a more interactive, more effective learning space, they need options that sometimes just don’t exist in traditional classrooms.
Leave it to a Boy Scout to find a way to be helpful, friendly, courteous, and kind to some of the teachers and students in his town. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts around the nation complete millions of hours of service for their communities every year, and many of those hours are provided in service to local schools.
For 17-year-old Will C., a Scout in the Boy Scouts of America Tidewater Council, finding a way to help a school in his community was at the core of his Eagle Scout project.
In the process of searching for something that would make a great project, Will was talking with a principal at a local school, and the two discussed the possibility of adding mobile tables to some of the classes.
These mobile tables could give schoolchildren an opportunity to sit or stand during their lessons, helping the students to better channel their energy.
“So many children have a hard time concentrating these days, so we really want them to feel comfortable…and if you want stand that’s great,” said school principal Beth Bianchi. “Gives them a chance to wiggle–get the wiggles out.”
Will went to work planning and executing the construction of tables for the schoolchildren to improve their learning experience, and his project was a resounding success.
Nate Wallace, a student at the school, saw the new tables and said, “I would rather stand than sit because standing really gives you more energy, more thinking thought.”
The tables also offer additional storage space for teachers who need it.
To learn more about how Will’s Eagle project helped to make a difference for the teachers and schoolchildren in his community, be sure to see the full story from WTKR News.
To learn more about the positive impact that Scouting can have on young people like Will, be sure to check out this article on the recent Tufts study, and watch this video:
The post Teenager Helps Schoolchildren with Eagle Project appeared first on Scouting Newsroom.